Thursday, September 18, 2008

Blog 5

I was surprised of how much blogs are used by student, teachers, and parents. For example,Bartlett High School in Illinois, uses blogs to keep everyone informed on what's going on at school. They have links to several informative document for parents, teachers, and students. Students have easy access to the bell schedule, sporting events, and lots more. Their principal,Dr. Kelvin Skinkis,uses blogs to address students, faculty, and staff. Students can also access their different classes. Each subject area has a list of its curriculum and goals. There's also a listing of the teachers along with their email address. What I liked most about this site was a memorandum of a formal student that was killed in Iraq on September 18, 2008. I thought that was a great way for the school to acknowledge a graduate and fallen soldier.

Another school I found that used blog was Jackson High School in Jackson Alabama. Unlike Bartlett High School. Using blogs was not school-wide. there were only two teachers using blog. Ms. Kimbrough, a ninth grade English teacher, used blog in order to communicate with her students. She believes that blogging is a educative fun way to get the students involved with written expression. The second teacher was Coach Hilt. He is an history teacher. Coach Hilt uses his blog to give students short history related question that they have to email to him. After watching the video "Shift Happens." I think that's very important. It allows Coach Hilt a chance to integrate history and technology.

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